About us  

EVVE is the voice of energy and water data management in Europe.

Guided by the belief that you can't manage what you don't measure, we unite leading companies promoting smart and efficient resource management of water and energy in buildings.

Our members are at the forefront of driving the digitalisation and decarbonisation of buildings throughout Europe, playing a vital role in the continent's path toward climate neutrality.


Within their membership, you can find prominent companies that specialise in creating and manufacturing systems for the allocation of heating and water expenses, in addition to providing services for billing energy and water costs based on consumption, not only within the European Union but also in other regions.


Company Members  

E.V.V.E. Presidency and Board 



Nicolai Kuß
Eschborn, Germany


Vice President

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmucker
München, Germany


Member of the Managing Committee

Oliver Geer
Hürth, Germany

Lessing (1)

Member of the Managing Committee

Dr. Hagen Lessing
Essen, Germany


Member of the Managing Committee

Kristian Voldby Olsen
Herlev, Denmark


Member of the Managing Committee

Dr. Dirk Then
Hamburg, Germany

E.V.V.E. Secretariat  


Chief Executive Officer

Markus Weidling
Berlin, Germany

S Lettenbichler portrait

Managing Director

Sofia Lettenbichler
Brussels, Belgium


Policy Officer

Guillaume Février
Brussels, Belgium

E.V.V.E. Administrative Office  

Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 280 11 395

Chief Executive Officer
Markus Weidling

Your contact person
Sofia Lettenbichler (Managing Director)

Policy Officer
Guillaume Février


Considering the idea of a further improvement of the economical and efficient energy use in Europe the companies undersigned join together to an European Interest Grouping. In this connection the Europe-wide introduction of the consumption-based billing of energy costs is to the fore.

The members are obliged to put the common spirit of the association over national interests.

The working language of the association are German, English and French. The language in which a document is originally written, is regarded as the obliging version.

Constitution of "E.V.V.E. – Europäischer Verein zur verbrauchsabhängigen Energiekostenabrechnung – e.V."

Member companies of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft take the initiative to found a European umbrella organisation  

Translation of the article published in “Die Heizkostenabrechnung”, no.11 of November 1993


On 24 November 1993 the “E.V.V.E. – European Association for the consumption-based billing of energy costs – EEIG” was founded in Copenhagen.

The internal European market has been established to promote and facilitate the trade and business relations between the European states for the benefit of the consumers.

In the year of the opening of the internal European market, the member companies of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heizkostenverteilung (Working Group for Heat Cost Allocation) faced this new situation and jointly with 12 other companies from Denmark, France, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands founded the “European Economic Interest Group (EEIG)”. The inaugural meeting took place on 24 November 1993 in Copenhagen.

Das neu gewählte Präsidium v.l.n.r.: Andrew K. Brierley (Großbritannien); Ben Wiegers (Niederlande); Michael I. Klein (Deutschland); Peter Schultheiss, Präsident (Deutschland); Jens Peter Fischer Hansen (Dänemark); Jorgen Rahbek, Vizepräsident (Dänemark); nicht abgebildet: Hubert Walluf (Frankreich).

„In future we will have to intensify our efforts in view of the European competition. Technical innovations will be in demand as well as a quality of services to the benefit of the clients, thus the billing of costs for heating, hot and cold water. The German companies can and will provide plenty of experiences and know how. Especially the member companies of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft have a more than 30 year old tradition. Even the legislator has clearly pointed the way to the future for the whole of Europe by the introduction of the decree on heat cost allocation. Taking into consideration the recently passed new guideline of the EC to the SAVE programme we are on the threshold of the introduction of similar measures within the European Union. The EC-Commission attaches great importance to the Europe-wide introduction of energy cost allocation. It is considered an important contribution towards increasing energy efficiency and towards reducing CO2 emissions. Not only the intensification of competition within Europe will touch off further development in this sector.”

Michael I. Klein, Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heizkostenverteilung e.V.

Already the name “European Association for the consumption-based billing of energy costs”, with the abbreviation E.V.V.E., implies the activities and targets of the European umbrella organisation of this line of business. The association has been founded in the spirit and effort of further improving the economic and efficient use of energy in Europe. The presidency consisting of 7 members is international and represents the leading enterprises of this sector.

The President Peter Schultheiss, himself a successful business man and as predecessor of Michael I. Klein for many years chairman of the board of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heizkostenverteilung, contributes a great deal of experience and know how: “I am seeing the European organisation as a logical and consistent evolution of our longstanding efforts on the subject energy services. Only those opening themselves to new markets, gain experience and can implement them in their enterprises. Finally, it is always the client who benefits. Especially in our sector practically every third consumer is our client.”

Peter Schultheiss, Präsident der Europäischen Vereinigung zur Verbrauchsabhängigen Energiekostenabrechnung E.V.V.E.

Not least because of the new programme of the EC-Commission called SAVE, being in force since 1991, and providing for measures to promote the energy efficiency of the Community was the E.V.V.E. founded. The programme disposes of considerable funds and permits the Commission to finance over a period of 5 years studies and demonstration projects. The results are to the benefit of the entire Community. Besides, guidelines and decrees are planned concerning the use of energy, such as the recently passed “guidelines of the Council of the European Community concerning the limitation of CO2 emissions by means of more efficient energy use”. This guideline will enter into force latest 1.1.1995 and schedules Europe-wide programmes, as for instance the implementation of the consumption-based billing of energy costs.

The E.V.V.E. has already been active in the preparatory phase and had talks in Brussels to assist the Commission as well as the national governments in their task to implement the so important energy saving measures in Europe.

The 19 members of the E.V.V.E. have taken up the cause of an organisation of short ways and constructive dialogues. It is therefore practical to centralise the management of the E.V.V.E. and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heizkostenverteilung in one office. In future, both organisations will work in Bonn under one roof and be at your disposal as competent contact concerning the subject “energy cost allocation”.

The personal details refer to the situation in 1993. The presidency has changed in the meantime (see list of the Executive Committee).

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