Within their membership, you can find prominent companies that specialise in creating and manufacturing systems for the allocation of heating and water expenses, in addition to providing services for billing energy and water costs based on consumption, not only within the European Union but also in other regions.
Company Members
E.V.V.E. Presidency and Board
Nicolai Kuß
Eschborn, Germany
Vice President
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmucker
München, Germany
Member of the Managing Committee
Oliver Geer
Hürth, Germany
Member of the Managing Committee
Dr. Hagen Lessing
Essen, Germany
Member of the Managing Committee
Kristian Voldby Olsen
Herlev, Denmark
Member of the Managing Committee
Dr. Dirk Then
Hamburg, Germany
E.V.V.E. Secretariat
Chief Executive Officer
Markus Weidling
Berlin, Germany
Managing Director
Sofia Lettenbichler
Brussels, Belgium
Policy Officer
Guillaume Février
Brussels, Belgium
E.V.V.E. Administrative Office
Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 280 11 395
Chief Executive Officer
Markus Weidling
Your contact person
Sofia Lettenbichler (Managing Director)
Policy Officer
Guillaume Février
Considering the idea of a further improvement of the economical and efficient energy use in Europe the companies undersigned join together to an European Interest Grouping. In this connection the Europe-wide introduction of the consumption-based billing of energy costs is to the fore.
The members are obliged to put the common spirit of the association over national interests.
The working language of the association are German, English and French. The language in which a document is originally written, is regarded as the obliging version.
Constitution of "E.V.V.E. – Europäischer Verein zur verbrauchsabhängigen Energiekostenabrechnung – e.V."