

European standards  

The classical registration and measuring devices for the consumption-based billing of heating and water are heat cost allocators, water and heat meters. For all these devices there exist proper European product standards.

As the publication of standards is prohibited for reasons of copyright, we can only list the relevant standards. Further references to European standards with the respective links to the national institutions for standards you will find at the

European Committee for standardisation (CEN)
Rue de Stassart 36
B-1050 Brussels or have a look at

EN 834 – Heat cost allocators for the determination of the consumption of room heating radiators (appliances with electrical energy supply)

EN 835 – Heat cost allocators for the determination of the consumption of room heating radiators (appliances without electrical energy supply based on the evaporation principle)

Both standards were elaborated at the CEN/TC 171.


Besides the classical product standards for registration and measuring devices in the field of the consumption-based billing of heating and water, some members of CEN have separate standards concerning specific subjects.

As the publication of standards is prohibited for reasons of copyright, we can only list the relevant standards. Further references to European standards with the respective links to the national institutions for standards you will find at the

European Committee for standardisation (CEN)
Rue de Stassart 36
B-1050 Brussels or have a look at


DIN 4713 part 5 – Heating costs based on consumption (distribution of costs for appliances and clearing)

This standard was published in December 1980 by DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung – Normenausschuß Heiz- und Raumlufttechnik) and has not been revised since then. According to the DIN, this standard is still valid because it was not replaced by DIN EN 834 and DIN EN 835 or any other standard.


In the Netherlands the consumption-based billing is voluntary. The Dutch Institution for Normalisation NEN (Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut) has taken up the subject billing some years ago and has published in 1998 a standard and a practically orientated supplementary guideline:

The standard:

NEN 7440 – Warmtekostenverdeelsystemen – Eisen voor de toepassing bij individuelle kostentoerekening (Heat cost allocation systems – Requirements for the application of individual heat cost allocation)

Practically orientated supplementary guideline:

NPR 7441 – Warmtekostenverdeelsystemen – Uitwerking van de eisen voor de toepassing bij individuelle kostentoerekening (Heat cost allocation systems – Explanation of the requirements for the application of individual heat cost allocation)



In Austria exists since January 2002 a green paper of the standard ÖNORM M 5930 „Heizkostenabrechnung (Calculation of heating costs / Calcul des coûts de chauffage)“ which ought to replace the old version of October 1997.

This standard ÖNORM contains the requirements and guidelines for the distribution and clearing of heating and hot water costs of central heat supply installations according to the Austrian law of heating costs.


The following list does not claim completeness. Indications of further individual national standards are appreciated.

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