European Legislation
This page provides links to a selection of important European directives through which the European Union aims to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions from buildings.
National Legislation
For Germany, you can find key pieces of legislation via the link below:
All of the legal regulations listed there can be downloaded as PDF files (in German). The abbreviations listed below refer to the following pieces of legislation:
Ordinance on General Conditions for the Supply of District Heating
Ordinance on General Conditions for the Supply of Water
Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Use for Heating and Cooling in Buildings Act
Measurement and Calibration Act
Calibration Costs Ordinance
Ordinance on Consumption-based Billing of Heating and Hot Water
Act on the Ownership of Apartments and the Permanent Residential Right
Act No. 891 of October 9, 1996 on Individual Measurement of Electricity, Gas, Water and Heat
This act will be available as a link or to download as a pdf shortly.
Federal Act on Economical Energy Use through Consumption-based Billing of Heating, Hot water and Cooling (HeizKG).
Federal Act on Improving Domestic, Business and Federal Government Energy Efficiency and on Metering and Monitoring Energy Consumption (EEffG)
Ordinance on Cost Allocation and Billing for Room Heating in Residential and Other Buildings with Multiple Consumers.